Lenten Bible Studies (Jeremiah)
History of the Lenten Studies
It was a great joy to lead the Bible Studies at the 1988 Argentine Universities Bible Association National Conference: ‘Please share something from your time among us.’ The years of national crisis: the ‘Dirty War’ with over 30,000 ‘disappeared’, The Falkland Islands War, economic turmoil - inflation running at 5,000% per annum, massive poverty, and distress. It all reminded me of a much earlier one who had held onto God in the midst of national crisis. One who had been brutally frank in his relationship with God and His people. We would continue to learn of walking in God’s way from this one. Who was this person? Jeremiah.
My addresses were edited into a devotional book ‘30 Days with Jeremiah: A love waiting with hope’ published by Certeza Argentina in 1989. It has been republished in two further editions and found helpful to Spanish language readers for over a decade now. The Lenten Study Book 2002 develops that reflection and has led to significant rewriting for an Australian context. I have used the ‘Lamentations of Jeremiah’ to deepen the Lenten dimension of lament over the broken covenant relationship and God’s judgement on His people. This later aspect, in particular, was deepened by late night conversation with my friend Rev Laurie McIntyre, to whom I am most grateful. I also wish to thank Mamie Long for her encouragement and patience in the forming of this book.
My prayer is that these studies may be used to deepen our faith as we acknowledge sin for what sin really is, and as we experience the treasure of God’s forgiveness and grace in Jesus Christ.
John Harrower

Lenten Studies Intro
(Bishop John Harrower)
Intro to the Studies
Throughout these studies we will discover that Jeremiah was very human. Only a person of flesh and bone could say, ‘Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord!’ in one moment and one sentence later, ‘Cursed be the day I was born!’.
Little did Jeremiah realise what was going to happen to his life on that day when he received God's calling. As we are going to be discovering throughout these studies, Jeremiah’s prophetic activity was very wide. He served God for something more than 40 years in a very special moment of history for the nation of Israel – during the sixth century before Christ.
Jeremiah is the prophet many people most likened to Jesus (Matthew16:14). He lived a truly gigantic life; totally given over to God. Within this magnificent life we find his weaknesses; the ones that make him so human, and so accessible to ordinary people. Jeremiah spoke of himself, argued and listened to God. Through Jeremiah’s words we are permitted to see the intimacy of his relationship with God. That is why it is possible to sense God’s presence with us today and be strengthened to serve the Lord Jesus with our lives.
Guide for Daily Meditations
- Before reading the bible passage ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand and to receive God's Word. Through Christ, you are in the presence of God the Father. Draw close to him with confidence, humility and expectancy.
- Read the biblical text for the day with care. Note the previous and preceding readings to put the passage in its context.
- Think about what you are reading; waiting with an open mind, ready to obey the Lord's instructions. Complete your meditation reading the comments provided.
- Take time to reflect upon the things that God is saying to you through your study and note them down.
- Now make your discoveries the theme of your prayer. Ask for strength to live what you have learned. Praise the Lord and serve him with joy.
Lenten Study Resources
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Jeremiah Study Booklet
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Copyright John Harrower 2001
This study was published November 2001 by Anglican Press Australia PO Box A287, Sydney South, NSW 1235 and is now out of print. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without written permission by the publishers. Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible copyright 1989 by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Prayers on Days 43 and 44 are from An Australian Prayer Book, published by the Anglican Press Australia and used with permission.
The prayer on Day 45 can be found at www.oremus.org/liturgy/lhwe/gf.html
Reproach from ‘Lent, Holy Week, Easter Services’ on Day 46 is from the revised rite of the Church of England.
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