
华语崇拜和外展 Worship & Outreach
自2020 年4 月5 日,威夫利谷圣公会开始了第一次主日华语线上崇拜,事工不断发展,成立了姐妹团契、弟兄团契、乐龄团契, 开展了慕道班,从怀疑到相信(D2B)福音课程,华人传统节庆布道、社区关爱等活动。2021 年3 月28 日华语堂正式成立,会友来中国大陆、台湾、香港、新加坡、马来西亚等国家和地区,体现出明显的多元文化特征。
华语主日崇拜: 周日早上10点30分
分两个班 :3岁- 1年级 和 2年级- 7年级
生命河小组:周无晚上 7:30-9:00pm,组长:陈超
约书亚小组:周六下午 3:00-4:30pm ,组长: 冼永祥/符慧菁
Mandarin Congregation
The GWAC Mandarin Congregation aspires to reach out to the Mandarin-speaking community in the Glen Waverley and surrounding areas. We are committed to living a Christ-centred, Spirit-led life, providing biblical teaching, worship and discipleship training to those who seek to follow Jesus. This is a caring faith community where Chinese from diverse cultural backgrounds can connect, care, nurture, and grow together.
Since 5th April 2020, GWAC began its first Sunday Mandarin worship online service, the Mandarin ministry has continued to grow with the establishment of Women’s fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, Seniors Fellowship, S2B (from doubting to believe) Worker Team, seeker’s class, Chinese traditional festival gospel outreach, and community care activities have been conducted. The Mandarin Congregation was officially commissioned on 28 March 2021 with members come from different countries and regions including Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia etc, reflecting a distinctly multicultural character.
Mandarin Service
Sunday 10:30am
SPARK Kids(age 3-12),
Split into 2 groups (age 3- yr 1 and yr 2- yr 7)
Running concurrently with service
Life Group (Fortnightly)
River of Life Group Friday 7:30-9:00pm, Leader: Chao Chen
Joshua's Group: Saturday 3:00-4:30pm, Leader: Sean/Wei Cheng
Brother Online Fellowship
Monthly (Thursday night 8:00-9:00pm)
Sister Online Fellowship
Monthly (Thursday night 8:00-9:00pm)
Seniors Fellowship
Monthly (Tuesday morning 10:30-12:00pm)

The Sunday 10.30am Mandarin Service is currently held onsite, and online Zoom services are also available, please use the link below.
For information on Mandarin Ministry please contact: Ginger Chen 陈小瑾牧师,
our Minister (Mandarin Ministry).