What Happens When I Die?
Session-1: What Happens when I Die? (15 March 2022)
It is said that there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes! Well, we know something about taxes, but what about death and dying? What happens when we die?
While Christians believe in life beyond the grave, numerous questions remain:
- What happens to my body?
- Is cremation OK?
- What about judgement?
- What about a resurrected body?
- Will we have bodies in heaven?
- What is the soul or spirit?
- How do we cope with bereavement?
Host: Bishop John Harrower
Speaker: Bishop Paul Barker (the recording of this Livestream is available below)
Session-2: Planning my Funeral (22 March 2022)
- Date & Time: 7.30pm, Tuesday 22 March 2022
- Where: Glen Waverley Anglican Church, 800 Waverley Rd, Glen Waverley 3150
- Speakers: Bishop John Harrower & Rev'd Phil Meulman
- IMPORTANT: This session will NOT be livestreamed. We invite to you attend the session in person.
Recording of Livestream (15 March'22)
Speaker: Bishop Paul Barker
For further enquiries, contact:
Church Office: 9560 7494
Email: admin@gwac.org.au