KIDS on Sundays

NEXT GEN stages: 3 options for 3 ages (Sunday mornings)
During the 10:30am English/ Mandarin services, families begin in worship together before kids & leaders leave the auditorium/hall.
GLOW (0-3yr) - For parents with toddlers. 2nd & 4th week of the month, we gather in the Playgroup room. 30min facilitated by a leader to enjoy fellowship, explore stories & encourage faith/mutual support.
Plus, every Sunday in the service we have a kids song time at the front, & a mat space where the sermon can be heard.
SparkLERS (Age 4 to Grade 1) - 25 minute bible lessons that explore seasonal topics (Christmas, Easter) plus Old & New Testament stories. SparkLER lessons include a CRAFT. They follow a series running between 3-6weeks long. During school Terms only.
Spark (Grade 2 +) - Similar to above, however topics may vary. Each lesson we encourage kids to open their bible & read for themselves.
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Sunday EVENINGS: Kids@5 for ages 5-12yr combined. Offered most weeks during the 5pm service. 30mins of games & bible.
This is a special training ground for our YOUTH who are learning to lead. (Topics may vary from the morning lessons & sermons)
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We take a break during school holidays, but run the occasional social event during the longer Summer break.
All KIDS ministry events are building towards their transition into IGNITE (Youth), along the Next Gen pathway.

Child safety is an important part of our ministry.
All of our leaders have completed Child Safe training, hold relevant checks and fully comply with both the Melbourne Anglican Diocese’s and GWAC's Code of Conduct. Our leaders also participate in regular training forums.
To ensure your kids safety, we require a General registration form to be completed every 2years.
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SEE BELOW button for the link to cover your PRIMARY-aged child (allergies, medical..) in all GWAC activities.
For more information on Children and Families Ministry,
please contact Anthony Wheaton